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ornamental line

I Like to Be in a Pattern

"I like to be related; to have to be what I am. Just to
be is so intransitive, so lonely" (142).

Elizabeth Bowen's The Last September (1929)


Points for Reflection

The Last September (1929), Part Two / pp.101-203

  1. do the songs sung at Mrs. Fogarty’s lighten or deepen the mood of those present at the luncheon?
  2. is the social dynamic between Mrs. Fogarty and the British subalterns mutually beneficial?
  3. which characterizes Francie better, “delicate hardness” (114) or “selfless woman” (182)?
  4. does Lois’s desire to be part of a “pattern” (142) eclipse her desire to “not need anyone” (109)?
  5. was the headmistress correct that “personal relations make a perfect havoc of [Lois]” (140)?
  6. does Lois thrive on fear?
  7. what competing impulses war within Lois when it comes to Gerald’s devotion to her?
  8. does Bowen implicitly validate or interrogate Gerald’s affection for Lois?  What is he seeking?
  9. does the romantic impulse in males appear just as determined and aggressive as military action?
  10. does Miss Marda Norton prove throughout Part Two to be as unaware of self, and as indifferent, as others consider her to be (114)?
  11. given Marda’s disposition and approach to life, how does one make sense of her engagement?
  12. is Marda as intrigued with Hugo as she is with him?
  13. what is Lady Naylor implying when she speaks about Hugo to Mrs. Carey (166), and does his behavior validate or disprove her suggestions?
  14. do Irish women regulate themselves when it comes to romantic behavior?
  15. do male characters appear uniformly machoistic in this tale?
  16. who seems more aggressive, Gerald or Laurence?
  17. is Lady Naylor’s conclusion about today’s youth (174-75) equally applicable to Lois, Laurence & Livvy?
  18. does David Armstrong live up to Livvy’s conception of manliness?
  19. what do Laurence’s reconceptualizations of the past, and his construction of what Laura (Lois’s mother) must have been like, reveal about himself (153-54)?
  20. what qualities does Laurence so appreciate in Marda?
  21. is Laurence a confident young man?
  22. is Lois an unrealized artist?
  23. what does Marda appreciate about Lois’s drawings, and why does she suggest writing or acting?
  24. is Laurence a more likely artist than Lois?
  25. why might Bowen spend so much time--the second half of Part Two--on the three days immediately preceding Marda’s departure?
  26. is the Irish Civil War merely a distant backdrop for the main characters’ high-class lives, or does it affect them directly and vitally?
  27. how does Gerald view the British military presence in Ireland?

an abstract painting of overlapping circles and shapes of blues and greys with some brighter colors in the bottom left which gives the illusion of light and shadows

Painting (1938)
Mainie Jellett

Dr. Paul Marchbanks