Course Guidelines Path 1 Calendar Class Discussion Path 2 Groups & Texts Writing Assignments Reference Texts

Grace and the Grotesque
Calendar for Class Discussion & Exams (Path 1)

ornamental line

"Endure hardship as discipline . . . "
(Hebrews 12:7, NIV)

find pre-class study questions by clicking
on the colored, horizontal bar above each day's readings

ASSIGNE I COR. 8 ALONGSIDE already assigned ROMANS 14

ADD story of Debora somewhere . . .

ADD Romans 12:9-21 on LOVE


Possibly teaching Alias Grace instead of Till We Have Faces or Children of Men

Readings: Path 1
R, 9-21

The Way, The Truth, & the Parable [ASYNCHRONOUS CLASS]
The Bible: Matthew 5:33-46
The Bible: John 10:1-21
The Bible: Matthew 20:1-16 & Luke 18:1-8
The Bible: Matthew 18:10-14 & Luke 10:25-37
Video Introduction to ENGL 354: Part 1, Part 2
Musings on Truth, Metaphor, & Parable: Part 1, Part 2

Sat, 9-23 Post Impassioned Plea to Dr. M's Video on In-Person Teaching
or Wearing Face Filters: follow guidelines at Course Guidelines page. Due by 11 p.m.

Link to Points for Reflection: The Positive Negative
T, 9-26

The Positive Negative [always bring assigned materials to class, either paper copies or on tablet or laptop on which you can handwrite notes--no cell phones, please]
The Bible: Acts 4:32-37, 5:1-11, PDF
Flannery O'Connor's letter to "A" (Betty Hester), Aug. 28, 1955 / 948-51, PDF
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "A Musical Instrument" (1860), PDF
Robert Browning's "Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister" (1842), 89-92, PDF
Salvador Dalí's Woman with a Head Full of Roses (1935)

  • course guidelines
  • lecture & analysis
Link to Points for Reflection: Stumbling Blocks
R, 9-28

Stumbling Blocks
The Bible: I Corinthians, chps: 1:1 thru 2:16
pre-class video: Elements & Principles of Design and "Christ Crucified" (33 min.) [CORRECTION: I say "immaculate conception" when I should say "Virgin Birth"]
The Bible:
Matthew 26:47 - 28:10
The Bible: Luke 22:47 - 24:53
The Bible: John 18:1 - 20:31
Matthias Grünewald's The Crucifixion (1515)
Salvador Dalí's The Spectre of Sex Appeal (1934)
Salvador Dalí's Corpus Hypercubus (1954)

F, 9-30 Optional Screening at SLO Public Library Community Room / 6:00 p.m. (if you don't join us, watch it on your own!)
John Michael McDonagh's Calvary (2014), 1h 42 m plus discussion
Sat, 9-29 Post Impassioned Plea to video of your choice at Digging in the Dirt. Some helpful watchlists: Romance 101, Apocalypse and Dystopia, Film History, Disability & Film, Lectures on Film, Lars von Trier & His Cinematic Antecedents


T, 10-3

Metaphor, Paradox, and Truth
The Bible:
Romans 5:1-8,
The Bible: Mark 10:13-16
The Bible: Matthew 13:1-23
The Bible: I Corinthians 7:1-5
C. S. Lewis's The Problem of Pain, only chp. 4 ("Human Wickedness"), pgs. 30-38 at this PDF

Dr. M's intro. to Calvary (2014)
John Michael McDonagh's Calvary (2014), rent or lease at Amazon Prime / only look at the content warnings if you're okay with lots of spoilers

film terms handout [students: print out and bring to class--this and all future PDFs]
Path 2 grps assigned

  • slideshow-directed, interactive lecture
  • roundtable discussion

Link to Points for Reflection: Fierce and Dreamy Both

R, 10-5

Fierce and Dreamy Both
The Bible: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
pre-class video: artistic modalities w/ graphs (36 min.)
pre-class video: Life is Layered--Part 1: "Dirt, Digging, and Cultural Engagement" (16 min.)
Flannery O'Connor's talk "The Teaching of Literature" (date unidentified) / PDF (print out & bring to class)
Flannery O'Connor's "A Temple of the Holy Ghost" (1954), 197-209
ASSIGNED: essay response to short story point for reflection

  • roundtable discussion; sml grp discuss & report

Link to Points for Reflection: Not Your Own Hero

T, 10-10

Not Your Own Hero
The Bible: Matthew 16:24-26
The Bible: Philippians 4:4-9
The Bible: Romans 14:1-23

Flannery O'Connor's "The Church and the Fiction Writer" (1957), 807-12
Flannery O'Connor's "Some Aspects of the Grotesque in Southern Fiction" (1960; 1965), 813-21

Flannery O'Connor's "Good Country People" (1955), 263-84

  • sml grp exercise

Link to Points for Reflection: The Right Horror

R, 10-12

Maximum Control [asynchronous class session]
The Bible: Psalm 23
The Bible: Luke 12:24-34
watch lecture on Dalí, in pieces: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7

video: Life Is Layered--Part 2: "The Sensuous Surface"
Salvador Dalí's prose poem "St. Sebastian" (1927)
Salvador Dalí's lecture "The Moral Position of Surrealism" (Mar. 22, 1930)
Salvador Dalí's Apparatus and Hand (1927)
Salvador Dalí's The Great Masturbator (1929)
Salvador Dalí's The Persistence of Memory (1931)
reference the Principles and Elements of Design handout . . .

Midterm Exam study guide

  • Dalí's bio / Part 1
R, 10-12 ESSAY #1: Response to Short Story Prompt
DUE by midnight on Thurs., Oct 12 (send Word doc [not PDF] attachment via email)


Link to Points for Reflection: The Way of Distortion: A Realism of Distances

T, 10-17

The Way of Distortion
The Bible: Mark 12:1-12
"Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "Lord Walter's Wife" (1862), PDF
Robert Browning's "Porphyria's Lover" (1834; 1836, 1842), PDF

C. S. Lewis' "Transposition" (1940) / PDF
The Bible:
Genesis 4:1-16; 2 Samuel 11:1-12:25; Job 23 (all), 24 (all), & 31:1-22; Lamentations 3:16-40

  • small grp exercise

R, 10-19

Rousing Arousal
The Bible: Song of Songs, chps. 1-8 (entire book)
CLOSED-BOOK MIDTERM (bring 100-qstn scantron & blue book); essay exam first (50 min.), objective exam second (20-25 min.)

  • roundtable discussion
  • exam

Link to Points for Reflection: Love and Marriage

T, 10-24

Love & Marriage [guest lecturer]
The Bible: Ephesians 5:21-33, James 3:3-10
pre-class video: the lives of EBB & RB
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnets from the Portuguese (1850), sonnets 7 & 30 / PDF
Robert Browning's "Meeting at Night" (1845) and "Parting at Morning" (1845), PDF
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "The Romaunt of the Page" (1839), PDF [used w/ permission of one of the editors, Dr. Beverly Taylor]
Robert Browning's "A Lover's Quarrel" (c.1853), PDF

  • slideshow-directed discussion

Link to Points for Reflection: Eyes Wide Shut

R, 10-26

Eyes Wide Shut
The Bible: 1 John 1:1-9
Robert Browning's "Andrea del Sarto" (c.1853; 1855), PDF
Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood (1952), chps. 1-3

  • slideshow-driven discussion
F, 10-27 Optional Screening at SLO Public Library Community Room / 6:00 p.m.
Guillermo del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth (2006), 1h 58m plus discussion


Link to Points for Reflection: Parabolic Drift

T, 10-31

Parabolic Drift
The Bible: Luke 15:11-32
pre-class video: Flannery O'Connor's life
Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood (1952), chps. 4-7
TERM PAPER assigned
Path 2 groups sign up for 45-60 min. PAPER CONFERENCES (to take place Mon., Nov. 6 thru Sat., Nov. 11)

  • sml grp: argumentation exercise

Link to Points for Reflection: The Evolution of Ecstasy

R, 11-2

The Evolution of Ecstasy
The Bible: Ecclesiastes 1-2

Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood (1952), chps. 8-13 (73-119)
Salvador Dalí's essay "Mystical Manifesto" (1951)
Salvador Dalí's My Wife, Nude, Contemplating Her Own Flesh Becoming Stairs, Three Vertebrae of a Column, Sky and Architecture (1945)
Salvador Dalí's The Madonna of Port Lligat (1950-51, 2nd version of the painting, not the 1949 version)
Salvador Dalí's Christ of St. John of the Cross (1951)
Salvador Dalí's The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory(1952-54)
bring: the Principles and Elements of Design handout to class

  • slideshow-driven discussion
  • group exercise: Mad Libs
Mon., 11-6 thru Sat., 11-11 60-min. Term Paper Outlining Workshop, 1-2 page, single-spaced, detailed outlines (not essays) sent via email to Dr. M and path 2 group members before workshop begins (as Word doc attachments)
T, 11-7

Out of Sight
The Bible: Mark 8:22-25
The Bible: Acts 9:1-19
Salvador Dalí's The Endless Enigma (1938)

Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood (1952), chp. 14

P. D. James's Children of Men (1992), chps. 1-8

  • roundtable discussion

R, 11-9

Dark Like Blood
The Bible:
Proverbs 1:1-19
P. D. James's Children of Men (1992), chps. 9-16

  • Mad Libs or argumentation exercise
F, 11-10 Optional Screening at SLO Public Library Community Room / 6:00 p.m.
John Huston's Wise Blood (1979), 1h 46m plus discussion


Link to Points for Reflection: Magical Freedoms

T, 11-14 Graceful or Grotesque? Mercy, Justice, & Gender
The Bible: Proverbs 31:10-31
Romance 101: "Shared Visions: More Dance Than Drill"
Romance 101: "Future Forward"

Salvador Dalí's Paranonia (1935-36)
P. D. James's Children of Men (1992), chps. 17-26
  • sml grp: tableaux vivants & dry-erase drawings

R, 11-16

Veilings and Unveilings
The Bible: I Corinthians 13:1-13
Romance 101: "Truth That Hurts Can Heal"
Romance 101: "Can I Trust You to Protect Me?"

P. D. James's Children of Men (1992), chps. 27-33
In-Class Peer Editing of Complete Term Paper (10 pts); bring two hard copies (printed out), and send Word .docx to Dr. M via email before class begins

  • format: roundtable discussion
Nov. 20-25

Thanksgiving Holiday


T, 11-28

Magical Freedoms
The Bible: Genesis 1-3
pre-class video:
the life of C. S. Lewis [includes notes about The Problem of Pain, assigned in an earlier iteration of this course]
Life Is Layered: Entry #3
C. S. Lewis' The Magician's Nephew (1955)

  • roundtable discussion
  • small group exercise
R, 11-30

A Realism of Distances
The Bible: Matthew 5:17-48
Robert Browning's "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" (1852; 1855), PDF

Life Is Layered: Entry #4
C. S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters (1942), chps. 18-20 PDF
C. S. Lewis's The Problem of Pain (1940), chp. 8, PDF
C. S. Lewis's The Problem of Pain (1940), chp. 10, PDF

  • roundtable discussion
  • group exercise: Mad Libs
Sat-Mon. Optional Screenings at Dr. M's Condo [536 Paseo Bella Montaña, Unit A] / 7:00 p.m. [IF YOU DON'T ATTEND, WATCH ON YOUR OWN]
Sarah Polley's Women Talking (2023), 1h 44m
Mon., 12-4 / 7 p.m.

S, 12-2 TERM PAPER DUE by noon Sat., Dec. 2; send to Dr. M as Word doc attachment via email  
T, 12-5

Trauma, Reprisal, and Forgiveness
The Bible: Matthew 18:15-35 & Luke 17:3-4
The Bible: Luke 13:5-9
Dr. M's introduction to Women Talking (2022)
Romance 101: "Memory Flexes: So Should Forgiveness"

Sarah Polley's Women Talking (2022), rent or buy at Amazon Prime [warning: this film discusses rape repeatedly, though it does not show it]
bring film terms handout

  • sml grp: roundtable discussion

Link to Points for Reflection: Everything Off Balance

R, 12-7

Everything Off Balance
The Bible: Mark 12:28-34 and Matthew 10:32-39
Salvador Dalí's The Temptation of St. Anthony (1946)
Life Is Layered: Entry #5 [coming soon!]

Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" (1953), 137-53
bring to class a paper or electronic copy of Dr. M's comments on the short, Path 2 essay written in Wk  3

  • discussion
  • review session for final exam
RB's "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" (reading & explication)

EBB's "The Romaunt of the Page" (walk-through reading)
LvT's Dogville & film terms [relevant only when film taught]
Finals Week FINAL EXAM
sec 01 (class: 7-9 a.m./ TR) / final: Tues., Dec. 12, 7:10-10:00 a.m.
sec 02 (class: 9-11 a.m. / TR) / final: Tues., Dec. 12, 10:10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
sec 03 (class: 12-2 p.m. / TR) / final: Tues., Dec. 12, 1:10-4:00 p.m.

FUTURE ITERATION: ADD tale of Abigail (I Samuel 25)

Thick purple lines decending and flowing. Behind and looking through is a face and several square shapes with lettering
Cubist Self-Portrait (1923)
oil on canvas
Salvador Dalí


Dr. Paul Marchbanks