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Brit Lit Survey: 1790 to Modern Day
Pairings for Term Paper/Exam #3

“badness is of the self, the one, the you or me on our oddy
knockies, and that self is made by old Bog or God
and is his great pride and radosty’” (44).

Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange (1962)


Grp 1: The Last Man & The Road (2009)

Grp 2: The Last Man & Oblivion (2013)

Grp 3: The Last Man & Reign of Fire (2002)

Grp 4: The Time Machine & Dark City (1988)

Grp 5: The Time Machine & Aeon Flux (2005)

Grp 6: I Am Legend & Day-breakers (2010)

Grp 7: I Am Legend & World War Z (2013)

Grp 8: The Children of Men & Never Let Me Go (2010)

Grp 9: The Children of Men & The Book of Eli (2010)

Grp 10: The Children of Men & The Island (2005)

sec 01

student name

student name

student name

Mo Thomas

Manuel Valdez

Michelle Lopez

student name

student name

student name

Ryan Trainor

Grace Bennet

Ben D'orazi

student name

student name

student name

Kolt Kimura

Jane Schauerman

Riley Bruel

Rishit Gupta

Michelle Kairy

Avi Minawala

Gondica Strykers

Jeremy Garza

Ella Marchal

student name

student name

student name

Hudson Bair

Liv Mehran

Salva Rivera-Patton

sec 02

student name

student name

student name

student name

student name

student name

student name

student name

student name

student name

student name

student name

student name

student name

student name

Brianna Carrasco

Sruthi Narayanan

Nick Baham

Angie Stevens

Ethan Gutterman

Connor Ellis

student name

student name

student name

Andy Lin

Bryson Silvestri

Alex Torres

Maddie Windsor

Keith Christi

Allison Dunster

Wesley Seifers


Grp 1: The Last Man & The Road (2009)

Grp 2: The Last Man & Oblivion (2013)

Grp 3: The Last Man & Reign of Fire (2002)

Grp 4: The Time Machine & Dark City (1988)

Grp 5: The Time Machine & Aeon Flux (2005)

Grp 6: I Am Legend & Day-breakers (2002)

Grp 7: I Am Legend & World War Z (2013)

Grp 8: The Children of Men & Never Let Me Go (2010)

Grp 9: The Children of Men & The Book of Eli (2010)

Grp 10: The Children of Men & The Island (2005)

"Light and Colour (Goethe's Theory) -- The Morning After the Deluge" (1843)
J. M. W. Turner

Dr. Paul Marchbanks