course guidelines path 1 calendar path 2 calendar essay prompts class discussion

Brit Lit Survey: 1790 to Modern Day
Path 2: Essay Guidelines & Prompt Map

“'What gets into you all? We study the problem and we've been studying it for
damn well near a century, yes, but we get no farther with our
studies . . . Is it some devil that crawls inside you?'" (43).

Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange (1962)

short essays / impassioned pleas

Short Essay responses should:

Path 1 Impassioned Pleas (5 pts each, 15 pts total)

Students will post three separate, 75-100 word responses (no more, no less) to three of the four introductory videos I upload to Digging in the Dirt this quarter. To calibrate your efforts, please look over some of these sample pleas. Be sure to subscribe so that you know the moment I publish a new video: post within 48 hrs. (If you post under an alias, let me know.)

Student responses should tackle some specific idea in the video. My entries will make observations about cinema, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and/or faith en route to preparing viewers to think critically about a particular novel and/or film. Write something quite specific which extracts an idea I've raised and engages it by way of: other stories you've encountered, personal anecdotes, and/or relevant observations about art and culture. Do NOT list the word count in your post.

When assigning grades to students' brief responses, I will primarily consider voice and tone, so try to evoke feeling in your audience by writing with passion (pathos). You can earnestly plead, humorously regale, or angrily castigate, but take hold of some idea raised in my video and express a decided opinion.

For this assignment, please use first-person singular or plural pronouns (refer to yourself--for this assignment only).

Note: This is the single most difficult type of writing assignment in this course, as it requires students to accomplish a number of things without going over the word limit. Do not be deceived by its brevity into thinking the task easy. These entries will be scored according to the rubric below.

If a student wishes to replace one of the three (no more than one) by writing a fourth Impassioned Plea, they may do so.


The Shipwreck
The Shipwreck (1805)
J. M. W. Turner

Dr. Paul Marchbanks