Significant Brit. Writers: Virginia Woolf
Selected Resources

"But whether this is the right interpretation of Jacob's gloom . . . it is
impossible to say; for he never spoke a word" (37).
Jacob's Room (1922)

Virginia Woolf
  • Virginia Woolf's, Vanessa Bell's, and Thoby Stephen's Hyde Park Gate News: The Stephen Family Newspaper. 1891-95. Ed. Gill Lowe. 2005.
  • The Diary of Virginia Woolf: Vol. 1 (1915-1919). Ed. Anne Olivier Bell
  • The Diary of Virginia Woolf: Vol. 2 (1920-1924). Ed. Anne Olivier Bell
  • The Diary of Virginia Woolf: Vol. 3 (1920-1924). Ed. Anne Olivier Bell
  • Congenial Spirits: The Selected Letters of Virginia Woolf. Ed. Joanne Trautmann Banks. 1989.
  • The Essays of Virginia Woolf: Vol. 1 (1904-1912). Ed. Andrew McNeillie. 1986.
  • The Essays of Virginia Woolf: Vol. 1 (1912-1918). Ed. Andrew McNeillie. 1987.
  • The Essays of Virginia Woolf: Vol. 1 (1919-1924). Ed. Andrew McNeillie. 1988
  • The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf. Ed. Susan Dick. 1985
  • Who Killed Virginia Woolf? A Psychobiography. 1989.
  • James King's Virginia Woolf (1994)
  • Hermione Lee's Virginia Woolf (1997)
  • Mark Hussey's Virginia Woolf A-Z: The Essential Reference to Her Life and Writings (1995)
  • Alison Booth's Greatness Engendered: George Eliot and Virginia Woolf (1992)
  • New Casebooks--Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse: Contemporary Critical Essays. 1993.
  • The Mrs. Dalloway Reader. Ed. Francine Prose. 2003.


"Young Tormented Girl" (1939)
Pablo Picasso



Dr. Paul Marchbanks