Significant Brit. Writers: Virginia Woolf
Course Guidelines

“In short, every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind
is written large in his works, yet we require critics to explain the one and biographers
to expound the other. That time hangs heavy on people's hands
is the only explanation of the monstrous growth" (209).
Orlando (1928)

the basics / diversity / course goals / materials / assignments / miscellany


English 439: Significant British Writers (Virginia Woolf)
thematic touchstone: "The Weight of Life"
: section 01 (T/R, 9:10-11:00 a.m., 22-210)

instructor: Dr. Paul Marchbanks
office: 805-756-2159 / building 47 (the "maze"), hallway 35, office A / available hours
home: 805-593-0192 (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.)



MATERIALS (purchase these editions)


Grp 1: The Voyage Out Grp 2: The Voyage Out Grp 3: Jacob's Room Grp 4: Jacob's Room Grp 5: Mrs. Dalloway Grp 6: To the Lighthouse Grp 7: Orlando
Maya Aparicia

Hoku Chidester

Morgan Haynie
Natalie Kovacs

Isaac Ruddell

Joy Tsai
Zoie Denton

Eli Hochderffer

Payton Swanson
Dana Lee Rasmussen

Adam Rimland

Dean Weller
Kaylee Felix

Lauren Heck

Shefali Mistry
Naomi Phillips

Alec West

Clare Zianno
Kyle Davies

Hannah Hochheiser



A = 94-100

A- = 90-93

A (18-20 on 20-pt scale, 5.4-6.0 on 6-pt scale): creative, topically focused, tightly structured, supported with the most convincing evidence, and virtually error-free

C+ = 77-79

C = 73-76

C- = 70-72

C (14-15.9 on 20-pt scale, 4.2-4.79 on 6-pt scale): a relatively focused essay with clear sense of progression from one idea to the next; argument bolstered by some supporting evidence; distracting number of grammatical errors

B+ = 87-89

= 83-86

B- = 80-82

B (16-17.9 on 20-pt scale, 4.8-5.39 on 6-pt scale): topically focused, tightly structured, supported with solid evidence, and containing just a few stylistic or grammatical bumps

D = 65-69

D (13-13.9 on 20-pt scale, 3.9-4.19 on 6-pt scale): topic clear but ineffectively argued; evidence provided tangentially relates to argument; loose sense of structure; profound difficulties w/ grammar

    F = 0-64

F (0-12.9 on 20-pt scale, 0-3.89 on 6-pt scale): little evidence of effort, or contains plagiarism


Take advantage of my office hours. Go here to find an open slot, then email me to reserve that time for an office visit. The fastest way to contact me if you have a quick question is via email. You can also reach me in my office at 805-756-2159, or in the evening (before 10 p.m.) at 593-0192.

Writing Lab Center
Experienced writers at the University Writing & Learning Center (in Kennedy Library, Room 11C, but online during pandemic) offer free assistance with writing assignments for any course. Using this service will improve even the best writer’s output. Visit their website to schedule an appointment in advance of your desired date, or simply drop by between 10a.m. and 8 p.m. MTWRF (reduced hrs on weekend). If writing remains a challenge for you, you might consider enrolling in ENGL 150, a one-credit writing support course.

Plagiarism and the Honor Code

I encourage you to improve your writing with the help of peers, instructors, and myself. Remember, however, that all work you submit must be your own. (I will occasionally vet student work to verify authorship.) Any paper containing borrowed but undocumented thoughts or words will receive a failing grade (this includes material created by generative A.I.), and I am obligated to report all instances of plagiarism to the Vice President of Student Affairs. Let me know if you have further questions concerning this important issue.

abstract, hazy image of woman in fluffy green dress or coat, with red hair, wearing a large blue hat
Woman in a Blue Hat (1901)
Pablo Picasso


Dr. Paul Marchbanks