“In short, every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind
is written large in his works,
yet we require critics to explain the one and biographers
to expound the other.
That time hangs heavy on people's hands
is the only explanation of the monstrous growth" (209).
Orlando (1928)
the basics / diversity / course goals / materials / assignments / miscellany
Grp 1: The Voyage Out | Grp 2: The Voyage Out | Grp 3: Jacob's Room | Grp 4: Jacob's Room | Grp 5: Mrs. Dalloway | Grp 6: To the Lighthouse | Grp 7: Orlando |
Maya Aparicia Hoku Chidester Morgan Haynie |
Natalie Kovacs Isaac Ruddell Joy Tsai |
Zoie Denton Eli Hochderffer Payton Swanson |
Dana Lee Rasmussen Adam Rimland Dean Weller |
Kaylee Felix Lauren Heck Shefali Mistry |
Naomi Phillips Alec West Clare Zianno |
Kyle Davies Hannah Hochheiser |
A =
94-100 A- = 90-93 |
A (18-20 on 20-pt scale, 5.4-6.0 on 6-pt scale): creative, topically focused, tightly structured, supported with the most convincing evidence, and virtually error-free |
C+ =
77-79 C = 73-76 C- = 70-72 |
C (14-15.9 on 20-pt scale, 4.2-4.79 on 6-pt scale): a relatively focused essay with clear sense of progression from one idea to the next; argument bolstered by some supporting evidence; distracting number of grammatical errors |
B+ =
87-89 B = 83-86 B- = 80-82 |
B (16-17.9 on 20-pt scale, 4.8-5.39 on 6-pt scale): topically focused, tightly structured, supported with solid evidence, and containing just a few stylistic or grammatical bumps |
D = 65-69 | D (13-13.9 on 20-pt scale, 3.9-4.19 on 6-pt scale): topic clear but ineffectively argued; evidence provided tangentially relates to argument; loose sense of structure; profound difficulties w/ grammar |
F = 0-64 | F (0-12.9 on 20-pt scale, 0-3.89 on 6-pt scale): little evidence of effort, or contains plagiarism |
Dr. Paul Marchbanks