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Significant Brit. Writers: Virginia Woolf
Term Paper Guidelines

Audience: literary critics familiar with the works you discuss
Purpose: to support a debatable thesis with close, creative analysis of the works in question
Voice: professional and formal (avoid 1st-person pronouns, contractions, colloquial speech, etc.)

Essays should be 9-12 pages in length, double-spaced, and follow MLA guidelines for formatting, in-text citation, citation entries in a separate Works Cited page, etc. Use a Times New Roman, 12 pt font with 1" margins on all four sides. Paper due via email, as Word doc, by midnight on Thursday, March 21 of finals week.

Your paper should reflect an intimate familiarity with a number of the fictions we have read this quarter. Please employ the following prescription as you consider which works to discuss:

You have free reign of topic: just be sure to construct a narrow argument, supported closely by relevant detail culled from close readings. Depth is more important than breadth, and concision far more valuable than loquacity. Length will not necessary correlate positively with the grade awarded. Write as much as you need to in order to convince your reader.

Possible approaches might involve analyses of voice, characterization, metaphor, tone, theme, biography, gender, faith, aesthetics, sexuality, genre, philosophy. You may apply a particular critical/theoretical lens to the subject, though I neither expect nor prefer such an approach. Choose a topic and approach meaningful to you.

Be sure to incorporate--however extensively or briefly--two secondary sources. Biographies, sources drawn from STEM fields or the "soft sciences" of sociology and psychology, may accompany or replace more traditional literary criticism. If you choose to employ literary criticism, it must provide a foil for your own claims. Whatever sources you do use should be listed in your Works Cited page along with your primary texts.

Topics might include but are by no means limited to:

term paper conference (5%): students will construct a detailed outline, send this to Dr. M as a single Word doc file, and attend a one-hour paper conference with Dr. M and their tailored tenth group members to discuss these materials. Conferences will take place Mon, Mar. 11 thru Fri, Mar. 15. Students who do not complete this requirement cannot turn in their term paper.

Les Desmoiselles D'Avignon
"Les Desmoiselles D'Avignon" (1907)
Pablo Picasso


Dr. Paul Marchbanks