"We are expected to be pretty and well-dressed till we drop--and
if we can't keep it up alone; we have to go into partnership (14).
Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth (1905)
Grp. 1: Auto-biographical Fiction |
Grp. 2: Engaging Cultural Others |
Grp. 3: Cognitive Disability |
Grp. 4: Apocalypse & Dystopia |
Grp. 5: First-Person, Biased Narration |
Grp. 6: Breaking Gender Bound-aries |
Grp. 7: Mystery & the Gothic |
Grp. 8: The Artist's Coming of Age |
Grp. 9: Parabolic Drift |
Grp. 10: Female Defiance |
One |
TMOTF: chps 1-9 (Bk 1: chps 1-9) |
The American, chps. 1-7 |
Barnaby R: chps 1-16 |
The Last Man: chps 1-10 |
Villette: chps. 1-7 |
Aurora Leigh, Books 1-2 |
Wuthering H, Vol. 1, chps. 1-11 | Aurora Leigh, Books 1-2 |
Hard Times, Book 1 | TMOTF: chps 1-9 (Bk 1: chps 1-9) |
Two |
TMOTF: chps 10-20 (Bk 1: chps 10-13 & Bk 2: chps 1-7) |
The American, chps. 8-14 |
Barnaby R: chps 17-33 |
The Last Man: chps 11-20 |
Villette: chps. 8-14 |
Aurora Leigh, Books 3-4 |
Wuthering H, Vol. 1, chps. 12-14, Vol. 2, chps. 1-7 | Aurora Leigh, Books 3-4 |
Hard Times, Book 2 | TMOTF: chps 10-20 (Bk 1: chps 10-13 & Bk 2: chps 1-7) |
Three |
TMOTF: chps 21-29 (Bk 3: chps 1-9) |
The American, chps. 15-20 |
Barnaby R: chps 34-50 |
The Last Man: chps 21-30 |
Villette: chps. 15-21 |
Aurora Leigh, Books 5-6 |
Wuthering H, Vol. 2, chps. 8-20 | Aurora Leigh, Books 5-6 |
Hard Times, Book 3 | TMOTF: chps 21-29 (Bk 3: chps 1-9) |
Four |
TMOTF: chps 30-39 (Bks 4 & 5) |
The American, chps. 21-26 |
Barnaby R: chps 51-66 |
War of the W chps 1-15 |
Villette: chps. 22-28 |
Aurora Leigh, Books 7-8 |
The Picture of DG, Prologue & chps 1-4 | Aurora Leigh, Books 7-8 |
Idylls: "Dedication," "Coming of A," "Gareth & L," "Marriage of G," "Geraint & E" | TMOTF: chps 30-39 (Bks 4 & 5) |
Week Five |
TMOTF: chps 40-49 (Bk 6: chps 1-10) |
Almayer's F: chps 1-4 |
Barnaby R: chps 67-82 |
War of the W Bk 1, chps 16-18 & Bk 2: chps 1-10 |
Villette: |
Aurora Leigh, Book 9 |
The Picture of DG, chps 5-8 | Aurora Leigh, Book 9 |
Idylls: "Balin & B," "Merlin & V," "Lancelot & E," "Holy G" | TMOTF: chps 40-49 (Bk 6: chps 1-10) |
Week Six | TMOTF: chps 50-end (Bk 6: chps 11-14, Bk 7) |
Almayer's F: chps 5-8 |
Villette: chps. 36-42 |
Orlando, chps. 1 |
The Picture of DG, chps 9-13 | A Portrait: chp 1 |
Idylls: "Pelleas & E," "The Last T," "Guinevere," "The Passing" | TMOTF: chps 50-end (Bk 6: chps 11-14, Bk 7) |
Seven |
To the Lighthouse, Book 1 |
Almayer's F: chps 9-12 |
The Secret Agent: chps 1-4 |
Brave New World, chps. 1-6 |
Lord Jim, chps. 1-15 | Orlando, chps. 2-3 |
The Picture of DG, chps 14-20 | A Portrait: chp 2 |
Silas Marner, chps. 1-10 |
Age of Innocence, chp. 1-14 |
Week Eight | To the Lighthouse, Book 2 |
Heart of Darkness, chps. 1-2 | The Secret Agent: chps 5-9 |
Brave New World, chps. 7-12 |
Lord Jim, chps. 16-24 |
Orlando, chps. 4-5 |
The Turn of the S, chps. 1-13 | A Portrait: chps 3-4 |
Silas Marner, chps. 11-15 |
Age of Innocence, chp. 15-24 |
Week Nine | To the Lighthouse, Book 3 |
Heart of Darkness, chp. 3 | The Secret Agent: chps 10-13 |
Brave New World, chps. 13-18 |
Lord Jim, chps. 36-45 |
Orlando, chp. 6 |
The Turn of the S, chps 14-24 | A Portrait: chp 5 |
Silas Marner, chps. 16-conclusion |
Age of Innocence, chp. 25-34 |
CONFERENCES (1 hr) to be held Week 10; send 2-3 pg. detailed outline to Dr. M & Path 2 peers prior to meet |
PAPER DUE Thursday of finals week (Dec. 9) at midnight (send Word file via email to pmarchba@calpoly.edu) |
Stitching the Standard (1911-12)
Edmund Blair Leighton
Dr. Paul Marchbanks